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Sofia Leadbetter

Why you’re missing out on convenience customers

Updated: Apr 29

People are time-poor. Lives are busy and for some people, this results in convenience shopping. This is when you choose the first product that is at a convenient location and ticks a few essential boxes. We are all convenience shoppers at some point. But for some convenience trumps a more affordable or even better product and they always prioritise convenience shopping.

With busy lives, there are millions of transient and permanent convenience shoppers. You need to optimise your marketing and expand your retail partners to ensure you can capitalise on these shoppers.

Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention

The average attention span of humans has long been debated with no scientific evidence supporting a specific time. However, scientists have concluded that how engaging something is affects the attention span. Capturing the attention of your customer is one way to hold attention for longer.

Communicating the value and functions of your brand with stories is one way to do this. Showcase your brand with insightful and engaging stories such as research, data or expert insight. This captures the attention of your reader and advertises your product covertly. Your product and values in both the value your product demonstrates and your brand pillars can seep into their knowledge to ensure your product is the one they think of when in a rush.

How we reach convenience customers

Convenience customers want to save time. This means they choose the product that is most convenient for them. We’ve all been there after a busy day when we realise we need something for the next day. We jump online and check which product comes up, aligns with our values and will carry out the function we need it for. The product appearing highest that matches our criteria will often win us over.

How do we get brands to feature at the top of search results?

All of our PR campaigns are created with SEO in mind. It’s getting more and more difficult to secure links in titles so you need to give a reason for journalists to link to your website. We share additional data, tools or features on the website that add value to a publication’s readers. Links aren’t everything. Brand mentions also contribute to your SEO. Google includes them in its algorithm to avoid spam methods of securing links affecting which websites appear high on search results.

The power of brand awareness and trust

When you’re rushed for time, you often choose to shop with brands you already know and trust. Brand awareness builds trust. Showcasing your brand, products and values over time builds your relationship with customers.

Put yourself in the customer’s shoes. You realise you need a gift for your friend’s birthday two days away from the party. You search on the websites you have in the front of your mind. The retailers you know you have seen ideal products in previously. Marketing doesn't always equate to instant customer acquisition. It can be a journey of building trust and showcasing your value over time, especially during the cost of living when shoppers are being more cautious with spending. But when the time comes and they need to shop you need to be the brand they think of.

If you want to scope up this huge audience of potential customers, you can book a free PR Strategy Audit with us. We’ll analyse your strategy and suggest how it could be optimised to reach this audience and convert to sales.

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